The dripping Fudge
Pentax k1000 is great for beginners!
When I went to school to learn about photography, I was taught on a Pentax K1000. It was my instructor's belief, and now mine as well, that the K1000’s fully manual features and it’s tough, durable construction, makes it an obvious choice for the beginning photographer. The Pentax K1000 is a 35mm film camera that uses a single lense to form both the image on the film and the image in the built-in light meter. Creating a perfectly lit exposure is as simple as keeping the meter’s needle in the center of two hash marks. By using this style of light meter, It doesn’t take long for beginning photographers to get a clear understanding of the relationship between the aperture, the iso and the shutter speed. The understanding of this relationship is crucial for enhanced photos and to build a better photography foundation. Loading film and adjusting the camera is quite easy on the K1000. With only one dual purpose dial, the user can easily adjust the shutter speed while never removing their eyes from the viewfinder. The single de viewfinder. Other options like a viewfinder camera, (which only comes close to an accurate view) and a DSLR camera (which uses a digital recreation of the view) are nice options, but neither give you the control of an SLR camera. By seeing exactly what the camera is seeing is essential for shooting those subjects where accuracy matters such as with close-ups and scenes with precise color content. The Pentax K1000 also offers an easy to use ial is large enough to manipulate by touch and by simply counting the clicks, allows the user to keep their attention on the subject matter while also adjusting the aperture ring. This feature is important in lower light situations when the shutter speed slows and a tripod is not an option. Afterall, there’s nothing worse than a blurred photo. Let’s also not forget that the shell of the Pentax K1000 is also made of metal which allows for a certain amount of durability. It would take quite an impact to dent, ding or crack a K1000. Let’s face it, there are too many times when photographers can’t move the subject or find themselves blocked by larger crowds. It’s times like these when photographers move themselves into awkward and creative positions or hold their camera’s overhead randomly clicking for the chance at a lucky shot. Situations like these require a durable camera, one that can get bumped or knocked about. The 35mm film is easy to load and unload in the K1000. There is no automatic loader, but the film tracks sit easily into the tracks and can manually wind into the camera with two easy pulls of the film advance lever. Unloading the film is as easy as depressing a button and turning the rewind lever. The film cartridge can then simply be removed from the camera and is ready for the darkroom. It is important to note, with the evolution of digital media and advanced editing software, a perfect shot can be created at the keyboard as well as in the eyepiece. There is nothing wrong with these advanced systems, I am a fan as well. However, it is my opinion that these systems are not the best place to start. It is my belief that you should start with the basics and start with a basic camera. The Pentax K1000 is that camera.